Local Organising Committee
Dr Matt Dolf - Director, Office of Wellbeing Strategy, University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Mark T Dooris - Health & Sustainability, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Prof. Rebecca Kennedy - Assistant Vice President, Student Health & Wellbeing, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Ms Sarah Kennedy - Healthy UL Manager, University of Limerick, Ireland
Dr Helen Maguire - Head of School, Home Economics, Atlantic Technological University St Angela's, Ireland
Ms Caroline Mahon - National Healthy Campus Coordinator, Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Ms Arlene Molloy - Lecturer, School of Economics, Atlantic Technological University St Angela's, Ireland
Ms Aoife Noonan - Doctoral Researcher, Healthy UL, University of Limerick, Ireland
Assoc. Prof. Catherine Norton - Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Limerick, Ireland
Prof. Audrey Tierney - School of Allied Health, University of Limerick, Ireland
Prof. Catherine Woods - Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Limerick, Ireland
Conference Organisers:
UL Events - University of Limerick, Ireland