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IHPCC 2025 - Guiding Principles



The International Health Promoting Campuses Conference (IHPC) is committed to fostering a culture of health and wellbeing within educational institutions worldwide.


As we convene at the University of Limerick, Ireland, for the 2025 IHPC Conference, we are guided by the vision, calls to action, and principles set forth in the Okanagan Charter for Health Promoting Universities & Colleges.


Our conference mission is to create a sustainable, equitable, inclusive, environment that promotes the wellbeing of all our diverse participants, both during the conference and beyond.


Additionally, we commit to renewing/mobilising around the International HPC Charter (Edmonton -> Okanagan -> Limerick), through the facilitation and promotion of dialogue, collaboration, and understanding among conference participants about health promotion, equity, and sustainability in higher education systems and settings. To support these aims, we have established the following conference Guiding Principles.


1. Social Responsibility

We are dedicated to promoting social responsibility by addressing issues of health equity, social justice, and community engagement. Our conference will actively seek to amplify voices from marginalised communities and prioritise sessions and discussions that address the social determinants of health.


2. Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to being an agent of change for sustainability and taking urgent action to address climate change and promote a more just society.  


3. Civic Engagement

We recognise the importance of civic engagement in creating healthy and thriving communities. Our conference will provide opportunities for attendees to learn about civic responsibility and to explore ways in which educational institutions can contribute to the public good through partnerships and advocacy.


4. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity

We are dedicated to creating an inclusive, accessible, and equitable conference environment where all participants, from every identity, feels valued and respected. We will strive to ensure diverse representation among speakers, panellists, and attendees, and we will actively work to remove barriers to participation for marginalised and formerly unrepresented groups and identities. 


We celebrate diversity in all its forms and recognize the strength that comes from embracing different perspectives and experiences. Our conference will prioritise sessions and activities that highlight the importance of diversity in creating healthy and vibrant communities.


5. Research

We recognise and support the pivotal role of research-informed practice in the evolving landscape of health promotion. Grounded in evidence, it serves as our compass for informed decision-making, shaping interventions that truly make a difference. Collaboration among academics, practitioners, and stakeholders amplifies our impact exponentially, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources.





We will seek sponsorship from organizations that align with our values and mission, prioritizing those committed to sustainability, equity, and social responsibility.



We will collaborate closely with local accommodation providers, ensuring a diverse range of options to suit varying budgets and preferences. Our partnerships prioritise quality, affordability, and variety.



We will prioritise locally sourced, sustainable, and healthy food options for conference attendees, considering dietary cultures, preferences, and restrictions.


Registration Fees

We will strive to keep registration fees affordable and offer discounted rates for students, early career academics, and attendees from low- and middle-income countries, where budget allows.



We will strive to provide bursaries (budget dependent) to support attendance for individuals who may otherwise be unable to participate due to financial constraints, prioritising those from marginalized communities and underrepresented regions.


Carbon Assessment

We will implement initiatives to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of the conference, such as investing in renewable energy projects, plant-forward or supporting reforestation initiatives.


Early Career Academics

We will provide opportunities for early career academics to showcase their research and engage with established scholars, fostering mentorship and collaboration.


Low- and Middle-Income Countries

We will actively work to make the conference accessible to attendees from low- and middle-income countries, including offering financial support, and facilitating visa processes.



As we gather for the IHPC Conference 2025, we are guided by the principles of the Okanagan Charter and a shared commitment to creating a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Through our collective efforts, we will strive to inspire positive change within educational institutions and communities around the world.


The implementation of the guiding principles outlined in the Okanagan Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges will be catalogued to track progress and celebrated as a testament to our commitment to fostering health, sustainability, equity, and inclusivity within educational institutions globally. During the IHPC Conference 2025, achievements resulting from adhering to these principles will be highlighted, serving as inspiring examples of the transformative impact achievable through collective dedication to creating healthier and more sustainable environments for all.



© 2025 IHPCC

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